Friday, August 10, 2012

Don't stand so close to me and other elevator don'ts

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When will this awkward elevator ride be over?

By Allison Linn, TODAY

The office elevator is already kind of an awkward place. Here?s how you can make it more awkward for everyone else:

  • Talk on your cell phone.
  • Don?t hold the door for others
  • Stand too close to everyone else even when the elevator isn?t crowded.

A new survey from CareerBuilder finds that those are the most ?- but by no means only ?- things that annoy co-workers during the ride up to the office or down to the street. More than three in 10 of the 3,800 workers surveyed identified them as the most annoying habits they commonly see.

Other popular elevator peeves included squeezing into an already crowded elevator, not stepping off to let other people out and holding the doors open for an extended period of time.

Clearly, elevator riders are a finicky bunch -- or normally easygoing people become finicky once they enter that small, enclosed space. Don?t hold the doors and you?ll annoy people. Hold the doors and you?ll annoy people.

CareerBuilder also asked workers to tell them the weirdest things they'd seen in the office elevator. They included clipping nails --inappropriate in all office locales, according to many of our readers -- and changing a diaper. Eww.

May we suggest taking the stairs instead?

What's the most annoying thing your co-workers do during elevator rides?


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